
Facelift Beverly Hills — Everything You Need To Know

When considering a facelift in Beverly Hills, patients seek not only expertise but also a touch of the luxury and exclusivity that Beverly Hills is known for. Dr. Andrew Frankel’s approach to facelifts combines state-of-the-art techniques with the utmost care, reflecting the high standards of this renowned locale.

Facelift Techniques


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Revitalize Your Youth with Facelift Magic

In today’s age, a facelift is more than just a cosmetic procedure; it’s an art that transforms, revives, and brings out the best version of you. Located in the heart of Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Andrew Frankel is passionate about using advanced techniques to refine facial appearance, addressing core skin issues and sculpting to redefine age.

Rejuvenated Facial Contours

A facelift rejuvenates facial contours by targeting sagging skin and jowls, sculpting the jawline, cheekbones, and neckline, reversing aging signs, and enhancing facial harmony.

Significant Aging Signs Reduction

Addressing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, reversing aging by tightening facial skin, diminishing changes, and revitalizing appearance for a youthful, vibrant look.

Boosted Self-Confidence

Boosts self-esteem and confidence, making you feel younger, more vibrant, and energetic, positively impacting social, professional life, and mental well-being for a fulfilling lifestyle.

Traditional facelifts vs Deep-Plane Facelift

What is a Facelift?

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy procedure, is a popular cosmetic surgical plan that addresses several different signs of aging and wrinkles due to sun exposure for comprehensive facial rejuvenation. The facelifting technique can correct sagging excess skin, facial structure hollows, and drooping facial tissues.

During a facelift procedure, the surgeon tightens, trims, and repositions skin, reaching the deeper layers of facial muscles and fat for smooth, youthful skin and natural-looking results with minimal and quite manageable scarring.

Why Choose a Facelift

Why choose a Facelift?

A full deep plane facelift can offer a variety of benefits.

Out of all rejuvenating facial procedures, it boasts dramatic results and improves visible signs of facial aging, thus offering a boost in confidence.

Work with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with a track record of proven results in order to get minimal post-facelift swelling and incredible results. Another advantage? Fewer days of recovery as compared to a combination treatment of multiple surgeries.

Patients will enjoy their results for a span of 10 to 15 years, depending on tissue quality and the patient’s lifestyle.


I just want to take the opportunity to thank you for being not only a fantastic surgeon, but a kind and generous soul. You’ve made all of this so easy with your patience and gentle demeanor

  • Star full Star full Star full Star full Star full 5 stars
  • Kendra K., Omaha, NE

Types of Facelifts

Dr. Frankel performs custom-tailored facelift surgeries to obtain each patient’s unique aesthetic goals. Since every patient’s face ages a little bit differently, Dr. Frankel may recommend one or more surgical techniques to customize the facelift procedure.

Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift technique repositions the deeper tissue layers to lift a patient’s entire face. After a deep plane facelift, most patients appear at least five years younger.

Particularly beneficial for patients in their late 50s to early 70s. This technique excels in addressing more pronounced facial sagging and deeper wrinkles, offering a significant yet natural-looking rejuvenation.

SMAS Facelift

SMAS stands for superficial muscular aponeurotic system, which is the layer of tissue found at the top of the deeper tissues and structures of the face and neck. This facelift procedure resolves sagging skin, excess fat, jowls, and volume loss in the cheek area.

Ideal for individuals in their late 40s to early 60s. It effectively targets moderate sagging and jowls, providing a noticeable lift that maintains natural facial expressions and contours.

Mini Facelift

The mini-facelift is designed to target mild skin sagging, early jowls, and excess skin. It is typically recommended for younger patients who hope for improved definition in the lower face and neck.

Best suited for those in their late 30s to early 50s. This procedure is excellent for addressing early signs of aging, such as slight jowls and skin laxity, with minimal scarring and downtime.

Mid FaceLift

The midface lift addresses sagging in the cheeks and rejuvenates the midface region. It is a good option for patients without jowls or excess skin sagging in the neck.

Optimal for patients in their 40s to late 50s. It focuses on lifting and rejuvenating the cheek area, effectively reducing nasolabial folds and restoring youthful fullness to the midface.


Before and after

*Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.

Ideal Facelift Procedure Candidate

Am I a Candidate for a Facelift?

Generally, the ideal candidate for a facelift has sagging skin in the face, prominent jowls, a double chin or undefined jawline, sagging skin or fullness in the neck, and lost facial volume.

To qualify for any type of facelift, you should be a nonsmoker, be in good physical and mental health, have sufficient skin elasticity, and have realistic expectations of the outcome. The procedure is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and you will need to have a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess your individual candidacy.

Remember to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine if a facelift is the right choice for you.

Muscle Recovery from a Facelift Procedure

Facelift Consultation

An initial consultation with Dr. Frankel can help men and women who are interested in a facelift in Beverly Hills determine whether the procedure is a good option for their needs. He will also help you set realistic expectations for the results.

Dr. Frankel will begin by getting to know the patient’s medical history and thoroughly examining their face. He will also take the time to listen to the patient’s concerns and understand what they hope to achieve through facelift surgery.


Read some of the reviews our patients have written about their experiences before and following surgery.

What Causes a Bad Facelift?

A bad facelift can be caused by a number of things, such as poor consultation between the patient and the surgeon (which could increase the doubts about facelift procedures), inadequate pre-operative planning and preparation, or an inexperienced surgeon. Inexperience or improper technique can lead to an unnatural appearance, asymmetry, visible scars, and other issues that could have been avoided with proper planning and skill. Other factors may include excessive pulling or stretching of the skin during the procedure, too much skin being removed resulting in a “windswept” look around the face, or inadequate fat repositioning resulting in sunken cheeks.

Your Facelift Journey: Before, During, and After

  1. Before Surgery:
    • Consultation: Discuss goals, evaluate facial structure, and choose the best facelift technique.
    • Preparation: Receive guidelines on medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. Schedule surgery date.
    • Planning: Arrange for post-surgery care and transportation.
  2. During Surgery:
    • Anesthesia: Administered for comfort and safety.
    • Incision: Strategically placed based on chosen technique for minimal visibility.
    • Procedure: Reshaping, lifting, and tightening of facial tissues and skin.
  3. After Surgery:
    • Immediate Post-Op: Short recovery in a medical facility, monitoring for any complications.
    • Recovery at Home: Instructions on wound care, medication, and activity restrictions.
    • Follow-Up: Regular check-ups to monitor healing and discuss results.
Facelift Procedure

Preparing for Facelift Surgery

Once patients schedule a facelift in Beverly Hills, we will provide them with a list of pre-op instructions and Aftercare instructions.

Patients will be required to stop taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications the week before surgery to prevent bleeding and clotting. In addition, we’ll ask them to arrange transportation to and from the surgery.

A day before this facial surgery, patients should arrive free of any skincare products or makeup. Since we generally perform in-depth facial plastic surgery like facelifts with the patient under general anesthesia, patients may need to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight on the night before their facelift procedure.

Facelift Rejuvenation Procedure

The Facelift Procedure

In most cases, facelift surgery in Beverly Hills is a procedure we conduct under general anesthesia. However, sedation may be an option for some less invasive procedures.

Since we can perform various types of facelifts, the incision approach Dr. Frankel uses will depend on the facelifting technique chosen.

After Dr. Frankel raises and repositions the facial structure tissues to ensure youthful contours and has removed any excess skin, he will close the incision sites with sutures and may place drains to prevent fluid buildup.

Facelifts typically take two to six hours to complete.

Before and after

*Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.

Recovery from Facelift Surgery

You can expect swelling and bruising to remain for up to two weeks in front of the ear. Although patients may experience some discomfort and pain after a facelift, they can control this through oral pain medication.

The head bandage that Dr. Frankel will place over the incisions after cosmetic surgery will likely be removed, along with any drains, the day following the procedure. Sutures are usually removed between five to seven days after a surgical procedure.

Patients usually find that their swelling and bruising are reduced enough that they can run errands with just a pair of sunglasses within a week.

Most patients are ready to return to work and normal activities a few weeks after surgery. Keep in mind that every patient is different, so facelift recovery time varies.

Want to understand more about what to expect on the day of surgery?

 What Are the Possible Side Effects or Risks of Facelift Surgery?

As with all surgeries, a facelift in Beverly Hills does come with some side effects and risks including:

  • Swelling 
  • Bruising 
  • Blood clots
  • Infection 
  • Scarring 
  • Numbness 
  • Hair loss
  • Nerve damage

When an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Frankel performs a facelift, patients are much less likely to experience these risks and complications.

Why choose Dr. Frankel?

As a leading expert in facial rejuvenation, Dr. Frankel’s practice in Beverly Hills is a beacon of excellence for those seeking the highest quality facelift procedures. His dedication to personalized care and advanced surgical techniques ensures that each patient receives the best possible outcome, right here in Beverly Hills.

Frequently Asked Questions about Facelift

What additional procedures can be done in conjunction with a facelift?

An eyebrow lift, eyelid surgery, chin augmentation, rhinoplasty, and fat transfer (fat grafting) can be combined with a facelift to deliver more dramatic results.

What is the best age for a facelift?

Healthy adults who have moderate to severe excess skin or sagging on their faces are good candidates for a facelift. Although the majority of facelift patients are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, facelifts may benefit younger and older patients.

Will there be visible scars after facelift surgery?

After a facelift, there may be scars that are pink in color around the ear. These scars will lighten up over the next few months and become less prominent as the skin heals.

How long will my results last?

Unlike dermal fillers, which normally disappear within a year, a facelift completely recontours the tissues in the face and removes excess skin to eliminate sagging. These changes are permanent, so your facelift will give you lifelong results.

Will my face have that tight look afterward?

Your face may look and feel slightly tight and tingly for several days after the surgery, but that’s a result of the swelling. A permanent tight look is a hallmark of a poorly performed facelift. Dr. Frankel is careful not to stretch the skin too much or overly adjust the natural contours of your face, so your facelift results should yield natural-looking results.

Do facelifts look natural?

Facelifts can look very natural, thanks to modern facelift techniques and customized surgical plans used by expert surgeons. A good surgeon will consider each patient’s unique facial features and aesthetic goals to create a customized surgical plan that addresses their concerns while preserving their natural appearance. The surgeon will tighten and lift deep tissues, underlying muscles, and soft tissue, and excess skin is removed to restore a more youthful appearance. The surgeon can use techniques such as fat transfer and dermal fillers to enhance volume and contours, further adding to a natural-looking result. With proper care and sun protection, facelift patients can enjoy long-lasting and natural-looking results.

Are there any non-invasive alternatives to a facelift?

Skin treatments like laser resurfacing and peels can improve skin texture, and injectable treatments like facial fillers and neurotoxins can reduce fine lines and wrinkling. However, these are all temporary, and none can provide results as dramatic as a facelift. If you’re looking for significant, permanent results, there is no true alternative to a surgical facelift.

What facelift office is near me?

If you live near Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Andrew Frankel offers facelifts along with other services in an office conveniently located at 201 S Lasky Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Facelift Before and after

*Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.
