Black Eyes After Rhinoplasty
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Black Eyes After Rhinoplasty

Recovering From Rhinoplasty

Black eyes after nasal surgery are just one of those shocking outcomes that are difficult to avoid.

Not every rhinoplasty patient will develop one or two black eyes, however, most do. It’s something a patient has to factor into their recovery equation. So, be prepared for some post-surgical bruising. Still, it’s not something one can easily prepare for emotionally. Sporting a black eye often suggests having been in a fist fight or abusive encounter. It also calls attention to the fact that you had a cosmetic facial procedure. Some people are OK with that. Others want their privacy and secrecy kept intact. That’s why some patients prefer to stay indoors and out of the watchful eyes of the public until the bruising resolves, usually in seven to 10 days. Sorry, smokers, but you will have to wait three to five weeks to see the black eyes fade away because of the effect smoking has on the circulatory system involving the minor capillaries. For that reason alone, you may want to kick the habit well before surgery.

The appearance of black eyes or bruising around the nose may appear or seem to worsen hours or days after the procedure. And while this can be a bit shocking for the patient, it’s really not as bad as it looks. It’s a normal part of the healing process as the body readjusts to the surgical trauma.

It’s also good to know that you don’t have to just sit or lie there looking like Rocky after two rounds with Mr. T. You can minimize the swelling. A bag of ice or cold compress will help reduce any inflammation and also stimulate healing – not to mention make you feel much better. Bromelain may also help with the healing process.

During reduction rhinoplasty it is important to pay attention to other unattractive features that need to be improved such as asymmetry, nostril shape and tip definition.

Your qualified plastic surgeon will have more ideas and tips on how to minimize swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty.

Dr. Andrew S. Frankel is a board certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty at the Lasky Clinic, 201 South Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Call 310-552-2173 for a consultation.

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