If revision surgery is a complex procedure, it would be more complicated with thick skin
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Thick Skin in Revision Rhinoplasty

You may have heard that revision rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated procedures to get right. That may be true, but experienced revision specialists work hard to meet any challenge a nose might present. Take, for instance, thick nasal skin. Even in a previous rhinoplasty, this is considered a major challenge. But why? And is it possible to get a good result from a revision rhinoplasty if you have thick skin?

Here’s what you need to know about thick, oily skin if you’re thinking about secondary surgery.

Is skin type a factor to consider when undergoing rhinoplasty?

When it comes to revision rhinoplasty Beverly Hills, the goal is to correct any nasal deformities and restore a normal appearance. Thick and oily skin can increase the risk of complications during a rhinoplasty procedure. To reduce this risk, experienced surgeons use specialized rhinoplasty techniques and surgical procedures tailored to the individual patient’s needs.

Thin vs Thick Skin in Nose Jobs

Thin-skinned noses are generally easier to work with during rhinoplasty. The thinner skin allows for more precise sculpting of the nose, and it is less likely to cause complications or scarring. However, those with thicker nasal skin may require additional techniques to get the desired result.

What are the implications of thick skin for rhinoplasty procedures?

The skin drapes over the structure and contour of the nose, ideally allowing the beautiful rhinoplasty results to be seen. However, thicker skin can make the nose appear undefined, camouflaging the work that was done on the nose. The nasal tip is also often pulled down from the weight of the thicker skin. Finally, patients with thick skin may find it takes longer for swelling to resolve—especially after rhinoplasty revision surgery Beverly Hills.

After a primary rhinoplasty, the skin thickness can hide the results, and the patient may need a revision surgery
Nose skin thickness can hide the outcomes of rhinoplasty

The Minor Benefits of Thick Skin

Though skin thickness is more of a challenge than anything, there is one benefit to the characteristic. Any small imperfections in the nasal structure will not be obvious because thicker skin can hide undesirable contours.

Surgical Procedure for Thick Nose

One of the rhinoplasty techniques is to use cartilage grafts, such as ear cartilage, to support the nose structure to minimize scarring and ensure optimal results.

Tissue from other parts of the body can help to support the nasal tip skin, bridge, and septum. Soft tissue grafts are often used to add volume and definition to the nose and help reduce any scarring. This technique is especially beneficial for thicker-skinned patients as it helps create a more natural-looking result. This type of grafting can help improve the overall shape of the nose by providing additional support and structure.


A revision rhinoplasty specialist Los Angeles is well-versed in dealing with thick nasal skin and can provide patients with customized solutions that will help them achieve their desired outcomes.

Revision Rhinoplasty and Scar Tissue

All surgery produces scar tissue, and revision nose job surgeons must contend with scar tissue under the nose skin, in addition to the thick skin envelope. The amount of scarring and tough tissue that develops after primary rhinoplasty is often greater for patients with thick skin, making a secondary rhinoplasty procedure more difficult.

Nasal Structure & Thick Skin

Heavy, thick nasal skin can stress the bones and cartilage, causing issues if there are any areas of weakness. During primary rhinoplasty, structures are altered and can become less sturdy and more precarious with future surgeries. However, experienced revision surgeons will take care to preserve as much structural support as possible.

To do this, they may use soft tissue to add volume and definition to the nose. This helps create a more natural-looking result while also providing additional support and structure.

Hope for Patients with Thick Skin

While thick nasal skin presents revision surgeons with significant challenges and obstacles, an experienced facial plastic surgeon can make a world of difference from a poor result in primary rhinoplasty. By using surgical techniques to maximize definition and preserve nasal structure strength, surgeons can typically make substantial improvements in the overall appearance of the nose during revision surgery. Patients with thick skin can have hope for great results as long as a specialist performs the surgery.

Talk with an experienced surgeon about the results and take a look at before and after pictures.
Before the procedure, you need to have realistic expectations

Realistic Expectations

With that said, Beverly Hills revision rhinoplasty patients need to understand the limitations of both the procedure and their skin and have realistic expectations for the results of revision rhinoplasty. Taking a close look at before and after pictures, as well as discussing the issue with a plastic surgeon, can help greatly.

Because it takes longer for the swelling to go down following rhinoplasty for thick-skinned patients, the revision surgery should not be performed until at least 12 months following primary surgery. Swelling from secondary procedures can take even longer to subside—sometimes 18 months or more, so prospective patients must be prepared to wait for the results of revision rhinoplasty. However, most patients feel that a beautiful result is well worth the wait, especially since rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure.

Recovery from Revision Rhinoplasty

Recovery from revision rhinoplasty Beverly Hills is often more difficult for patients with thick-skinned noses. The nasal bones are particularly vulnerable during the procedure, and the surgical outcome can be affected by the amount of postoperative swelling.

The cast removal is typically done within a week after the revision rhinoplasty procedure. After this, recovery times and months after surgery will vary depending on the patient’s nasal shape and skin type. For those with thick skin, it may take up to 18 months for the swelling to subside and for the nose to take its final shape.

To help reduce swelling and promote healing after the surgery, patients should apply ice packs to the nose for the first few weeks. This will help reduce inflammation and minimize discomfort. Additionally, keep the nasal area clean and dry during this time to prevent infection. Patients should also be aware that nasal swelling can last for several weeks after secondary rhinoplasty.

An Expert Can Help

There may be a lot of negativity surrounding thick skin in revision rhinoplasty Los Angeles, but don’t let that get you down. There are very talented revision specialists out there who can make significant improvements, even in very challenging cases. Carefully schedule a few consultations and get a personalized opinion on your thick-skinned nose and what can be done to help you reach your goals.

Many plastic surgeons in the Beverly Hills area offer revision nose jobs, but Dr. Andrew Frankel is a standout specialist with a background of consistent, custom, beautiful results. If you’d like to speak with an expert about your revision rhinoplasty expectations, call (310) 552-2173 today to schedule your consultation.

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